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How to Have a Great Yard Sale

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[5]by Sandy, Southern Oregon
Reluctant Entertainer [6]

Don’t over-complicate $200! The easiest yard sale tips:

Yesterday I didn’t want to do it. But I did.For about a month my friend Jenny and I had been talking about holding a yard sale. In fact, we set the date and then the “stuff” started piling up in my garage …When I tried to get out of the sale (Good Will sounded much easier), Jenny talked me back in to it. I think I have too many bad memories of making yard sales more difficult than they should be, from past years’ experience.


I don’t even price my items any more, until the morning of. Who cares if people are showing up while you’re putting stickers on the items? My goal is to get the stuff out there, to move it on and out of my life.


1. Set the date (one month early)

2. Have the sale with a friend (way more fun)

3. Hang as many clothes that you can (especially dress, coats, jackets)

4. Buy pre-made stickers from the Dollar Store (cheap and quick)

5. Price the items after you have everything out (don’t stress on everything having to be perfect)

6. Don’t forget the pets (entertaining and never a dull moment)

7. Be friendly and have fun (be willing to engage with your buyers)


1. Turn people away if they come early (you don’t want to lose out on a sale)

2. Leave stuff in boxes for people to rummage through (stuff needs to be visible)

3. Forget to advertise (Craig’s list, local paper (only $3), signs out)

4. Overprice your items (you’ll lose biz)

5. Say no to offers (goal is to get rid of everything)

6. Want to hang on to things (remember it’s just stuff)

7. Go past noon (not worth going another 5 hours for $5)

We closed up by noon. The car was loaded with the “leftovers” and off to Good Will I went. We were $200 happier and what was my favorite part of the day? Spending a solid 5-hour chunk of time with my friend. (Thanks for the fun, Jenny! And to Myrna who also joined up with us!)