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Gestures in the Grocery Store

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by Sandy
Reluctant Entertainer
Medford, Oregon

[5]How many times, over and over, do we head to the grocery store – just like we do laundry, dishes, cook meals, and make the beds! Rarely do I look forward to going. I think the only times are if I’m up early, or very late at night, when there’s no rush or packed aisles. I hate getting stuck behind slow shoppers (yep, happened to me last week), or having to wait a long time in the check-out line.

So last week was a different experience. It’s one that I will hopefully take to heart and, well … let me tell you what happened.

As I just started unloading my groceries onto the conveyor belt, a lady behind me smiled. Her smile actually took me off guard and I thought, wow, what a beautiful smile and such pretty eyes! I kept unloading.

Then the unexpected happened. She offered to help me unload my cart. As we both worked together, we got it done quickly, and I thanked her.

I still was taken aback by her generous spirit. It’s been a long time since I’ve offered to help unload the cart in front of me. I think at times my mind is going, I’m looking at magazines, I’m just pre-occupied, and I’m really missing out on ways that I can help somebody else out!

That night was a little lesson that I needed to re-learn. To look for small ways to give back.

What kind gestures have you done in the wild and crazy grocery store?