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Tips For Avoiding Arguments With Kids

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[5]By Jean Tracy
Kids Discuss [6]
NW Parenting expert

The following parenting tip is from my friend, Marilyn. In a nearby school district, Marilyn started an alternative high school for dropouts. The school district gave up on these kids. Thanks to Marilyn’s hard work, many graduated from her school. Because Marilyn is an expert, I asked her for a parenting tip.

Here it is:

Avoid arguing and talking too much. “Rather say, ‘You may have a point.’ Listen and consider what your child has to say but still remember you are the parent.”

If this tip were followed from toddler to teens, I believe it would make a huge difference in mutual respect and communication.

Can you imagine how difficult it would be if your child argued with you from childhood onward? Can you imagine dealing with your arguing teenager? Finally, can you imagine your fatigue, irritation, and feelings of helplessness from all that arguing?

Marilyn gives us three helpful solutions:

1. Listen and consider what your child has to say.

2. Say, “You may have a point.”

3. Remember you are the parent.

I believe it is important to give your child respect by listening and then acknowledging his or her point. Yet, when it comes to decision-making, remember you are the parent. You have the authority, the power, and the responsibility to choose what’s best for your child.