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Answers for zucchini fatigue

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By Erika Weisensee, Oregon Writer [5]

I used to like zucchini. Then I planted it in my garden. If you’ve ever grown zucchini, you know what I mean. One single plant can overtake a small garden—you pick one and ten more are there the next day. Did I mention how big they get? Who really needs a zucchini the size of a log?

An article in this week’s Food Day section of the Oregonian addressed this very topic: The ubiquitous zucchini and how to make it interesting. In the article “The Menu From Z to Z [6],” writer and food blogger Deena Prichep [7] offers an entire menu of creative and tasty sounding zucchini recipes. Thank you, Deena!!!

It’s enough to make me want to try zucchini again, not that I plan to grow them anytime soon. But that’s okay because I know plenty of people with plenty to share.


Erika Weisensee, a writer and native Oregonian, lives in Milwaukie and teaches journalism and communication courses at the University of Portland.