Motivation starts here

Your Personal Trainer
Olivia C. Rossi, RN, MSN, ACSM,

For those of you old enough to remember Carly Simon’s hit song of the 1970’s, “Anticipation,” and with my sincere apologies to Carly, I’d like to re-write her lyrics to fit my theme for this week:  “It’s Motivation.”  This is a new month.  It’s time to renew your resolve.  I have said it before, the challenge after getting started with an exercise program is to keep going and to stay motivated.

I have to go back even further than the 1970’s to talk about another kind of motivation, all the way back to Isaac Newton and his First Law of Motion which states:  “Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.”  I took Physics in college.  Perhaps I owe Isaac an apology, too, because I’m going to change the wording of his “hit” as well!

“Looking at Newton’s First Law of Motion, one can conclude that a couch potato will remain a couch potato unless he or she is motivated to change.” 1  You have been motivated to change either by an external force as in Newton’s Law (perhaps it was me!) or by an internal force–your own personal goals for beginning an exercise program.  One of my goals is to help you to begin the transition into a healthier, more fit lifestyle, and to motivate you to keep going.

So, here’s my re-make of Carly Simon’s “Anticipation” to help keep you moving slowly and consistently towards the new state of motion you began with your New Year’s resolutions.  Resolve to renew and keep going.

It’s motivation, it’s motivation
that’s making me fit,
keeping me strong.
It’s motivation, it’s motivation
that’s keeping me moving . . .

Make these the new  ” . . .  good old days.”

Photo: 1 Race Center Northwest.  “From Walking to Running.”  Shannah Werner

Yours in fitness,

Olivia C. Rossi, RN, MSN
Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist, ACSM
Certified Personal Trainer, ACSM

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