Straw poll: People believe Kyron Harmon will be found

Oregon Women’s Report Online Poll
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The community support to find Kyron has been heroic and national, but when does time break the spirit?  We posed the question, “Do you believe at this point that the missing Oregon boy, Kyron Harmon, will be found or discovered of his whereabouts this year? ” and found that most still feel Kyron will be found.  Other lost children have been found at later dates, let us hope the same.

Comments below:

1. I am hopeful and we should not lose hope. It maybe what will help find Kyron
2. I suspect the step mother had something to do with it and because she tried to hire her gardener to kill her husband, obviously she sees getting rid of someone a means to exiting an unwanted relationship.
3. The outcome will not be good.
4. I don’t think he will ever be found
5. The tremendous public support and effort is what gives me some confidence that time is moving our way, if not on our schedule.

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