Survey: DUI teacher – Fire or Suspend?

Oregon Women’s Report Survey,

An Oregon English teacher in the small town of Elgin was briefly jailed for driving under the influence of alcohol. The Teacher was  charged for accidentally smashing into a Sheriff’s car. One bystander who leaped from the crash suffered minor injuries.  The teacher has since returned to school. Some expressed concern that because she is in the position of role model for her students means that she should be fired or suspended.    When asked on what should be done our surveyed readers said the teacher should be fired (12%), reinstated (25%) and suspended (62%).

When the teachjerreturned to school, she was welcomed back by staff and given a welcome back card signed by the fellow teachers.  Some complained that this was inappropriate.   When our readers were asked about whether the card was right or wrong they responded…

51% said it was “Right” — It is OK for fellow teachers to show support
49% said it was “Wrong” — sends the wrong message


Teachers are role models but they’re also human. She should not be fired.

With Zero tolerance if she ever reoffends.

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