Tell your kids you love them

Parenting Tip: Tell Your Kids You Love Them
by Jean Tracy
NW Writer

Kids Love to be Loved

My friend, Mercy babysat my boys. Her firm discipline, loving manner, and sense of humor endear them to her to this day. Now Mercy and I get together twice a month and have fun with our grandsons. Like my boys, I love being with Mercy.

This Is Mercy’s Tip

“Tell them you love them. When my boys were growing up, I didn’t wait until they did something good to tell them I loved them. They heard  it often. Now they keep in touch every day. They love to tease me too.

By letting them know how much I loved them when they were growing up, I feel loved right back by them today.”

Family life has always been a top priority with Mercy. Whether it was attending baseball games, parent-teacher conferences, or school events, Mercy was always there. Family dinners were a must with Mercy. You can be sure there was a lot of laughter around the table as each member tuned into each other’s activities.

Mercy gave and still gives her boys what every child wants – attention, appreciation, and affection. No wonder they love being around her today. I have to say that Mercy and her husband, Chuck, have created one of the closest knit families I’ve ever seen.

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