Chart shows Justin Bieber double standard for boy vs. girl idols
— List of magazine covers of teen idols shows double standard
By Evergreen
Teen sensation Justin Bieber is on his second album this year and the Justin Bieber of three years ago looks a like….the Justin Bieber of today. He may appear to be a bit edgier but no one expects him to change too much over the next few years. Neither does anyone expect to see Justin Bieber shed his clothes once he reaches 18. This cannot be said of most girl teen idols. Look at the chart below to see the before and after for many teen idols over the years and how magazine covers treat girl teen idols different from boy teen idols.
You have Britney Spears going from teen idol to a star who can’t keep her clothes on – even when she is pregnant (as the magazine cover shows). Former teen star Lindsay Lohan also went form Disney cutie to nudist wreck. Sure, Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan may have chosen the path most traveled, but Disney teen star Miley Cirus never did. Here we have Vanity Fair pushing her for her racy nude magazine cover for which Miley issued an apology. Teen TV idol from Nickelodeon TV shows, Amanada Bynes also went from nice to not-so-nice in her magazine portrayals.
This is where the teen idol double standard lies. Boys can continue to make money of off their talent without the pressure to sexualize themselves. Girl teen idols live with the pressure all the time and it hits them at a young age. Miley Cyrus has survived only because of her strong family who has themselves weathered the best and worst of fame and are helping to protect their daughter.
Even if a young teen celebrity chooses to take a modest path, she still will be exploited through the paparazzi whenever they go out in public or on the beach. The pressure is always there. This is the double standard.
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