The Kyron Horman story will go national again with NBC Dateline doing a segment on the missing Oregon boy. The shows will air today on Friday November 12th. Expect to be interviewed will be Kyron’s step-mom Terri Moulton-Horman. In related news, Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton is asking for a more than a quarter million dollars to help with the cost of the investigation.
Survey shows public hope dropping
Back in August a survey of Oregon Women’s Report readers showed that 57% said yes Kyron would be found and 43% said “no”. When asked the same question in October, it dropped to 26% saying “Yes” that Kyron will be found. Of the other respondents 66% said “No” and 8% were undecided. Those holding out hope has fallen from 57% to 26% which shows that the public is losing confidence in the whereabouts of Kyron Harmon.
It is a difficult question to ask but represents how hope begins to wane as time goes on. The upcoming national TV broadcast on Kyron Horman may help provide a larger audience to reach people who may have clues or input to help. Many cases are solved when they reach a national broadcast audience. All it takes is one new revelation or phone tip to make all the difference. We hold out our hope and prayers.
One way to help or stay involved is to go the Kyron Horman Missing Facebook page.
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