by Brittanie
Oregon Mom
Cupcake Kisses ‘n’ Crumbs
The new year is fast approaching.. and I am NOT ready! One of our goals for the year is reducing/eliminating our debt. We have been following the Dave Ramsey plan (although I haven’t been very good lately) and it is working, slowly but surely. We could probably do it a little faster if I were working outside the home, but neither my husband or I think putting the kids in daycare for me to work is worth the financial benefit and the loss of being with the kids all day would be very hard on all of us, just not worth it right now. So I do my best to save in ways I can, and no not just clipping coupons! Thought I would share them over the next couple weeks as some of us prep for new years resolutions! I’ve posted about some of those ways before but some are new and I don’t want anyone to miss the old ones either!
Total of $13 for the first time supplies (the borax, washing soda and bucket will be re-used)
I try to gage a savings by per use, per pound or ounce, whatever I can break it down to. I do an average of 5 loads a week for 18 months is about 78 weeks, 78 weeks worth of loads is 390 loads!! Compared to the Tide HE, Free and clear that gets 64 loads for $14. The price per load for tide is about 22 cents a load. For the homemade (also for the HE and unscented) is 3 cents per load, the first batch! The second batch when you don’t have to buy the bucket or washing soda or borax is only an extra dollar for zote, the price for those loads is less then a penny per load!
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