Stop Talking. Start helping Lara Logan!
by Naomi Inman
Oregon Women’s
I am still reeling from the hurt and horror I felt when hearing that CBS reporter, Lara Logan, suffered brutal and sustained sexual attacks and violent beatings from a crowd while covering the Egypt Revolution. Like many of us, Lara is a beloved wife and the mother of young children who is pursuing her life’s work–often at great peril.
It is a double tragedy that this rape has now been made public so soon. Most victims names are withheld from the public, and most victims can choose when and how to inform their families and friends. Her victimization has now been thrust upon the world stage. She has become the subject of political debates and evolving problems that do nothing but make a tragedy much worse.
But we women have the power to make things better. We always have!
My idea is to send CBS a card showing our support for Lara and her healing. I don’t want Lara, her family and her CBS friends to see only chatter of people debating what happened. Instead I want to encourage people in acting humane and showing sincere support. There is not much we can do, but a card always works. Emails and Facebook comments are good, but tangible, human, physical expression is best.
Please either email a note or leave a blog comment and I will print it and attach all the comments it to a meaningful card and send it out in the next few days. If you wish to email you can email it to [email protected].
“Note on comments: You need not say much, a simple “You are in my thoughts” or “With Support” followed by a first or last name (or both), and your city is sufficient .
Here is the official CBS statement:
CBS stated, “It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy. In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.”
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