By Erika Weisensee, Oregon Writer
Well, spring is here, but it sure doesn’t look like it outside, not yet anyway. I love spring! Whenever it shows up, I am looking forward to warmer days, a blooming garden, and wearing sandals. Since spring is a time of renewal for nature, it’s also a great time for personal renewal.
Here are some tips for springing into spring:
1) Start a good habit.
2) Recommit to exercise. Better weather is a great motivator for fitness. The more we enjoy the exercise, the more we’re likely to do it. In my house, we’ve learned to make exercise a part of our family time and family fun. We swim together, walk together, and since receiving a Wii for Christmas, we enjoy Wii sports and Wii Just Dance together—these modern video games really do get you moving.
3) Re-do a room in your house. It’s amazing what paint can do. My mother-in-law recently made over the living area in her home by re-painting, paying a friend to sew new throw pillows, hanging newly framed art and removing a stained rug. It was very affordable and looks amazing!
4) Get out and do something with friends. Winter encourages hibernation, so plan an outing with someone you enjoy.
5) Plant something. Check with your favorite nursery or online gardening source for information on what seeds or starts you can plant right now.
6) Pamper yourself. Treat yourself to a pedicure, facial, or a good haircut. Stylists and estheticians seem to be offering a lot of discounts right now.
7) Get organized. Put Feng Shui into practice by eliminating clutter to increase tranquility in your home or workspace.
8) Try something new. Break from routine by trying a new restaurant, exploring a new part of town or signing up for a new activity.
Happy spring!
Erika Weisensee is a writing mom and a native Oregonian.
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