Shopaholic dies under her own purchases

By Evergreen,
Oregon freestyle writer

Recently a woman known for being a shopaholic was found dead under her own pile of shopping items. The piles of such store bought purchases were stacked to the ceiling. The overload prevented police from searching the premises which delayed her body being found. Read more of her story here.

Retail therapy can be fun when you are down, but now we realize that it can kill you.

You can even feel the pressure this year in a recession where everyone is asking when consumers are going to start spending to rescue the economy. Maybe consumers will not come to the rescue and the economy will correct itself. We do not need more reasons to feel stressed for not spending enough, do we? Oregonians should learn the lesson from this current recession and the increase in savings rate to build long-term good habits.

Here is the rule for still living shopaholics, if you have not touched it in two years — throw it out.

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