by Sandy Coughlin
The Reluctant Entertainer
Medford blogger, author, entertainer.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway”. — John Wayne
I’ve always loved this quote. And when I think of entertaining, I still have a feeling of “fear” that comes over me when I see our guests pull up to our house.
The cars arrive.
One-by-one they get out of their cars.
I see them walking to the front door.
My heart races – just a tiny bit.
What did I forget?
Clean towels in the bathroom?
Windexed the front of the fridge?
Water poured and salt/pepper on the table?
Prep work done?
My heart is ready to embrace and love?
Even after 22 years of entertaining I still get nervous – at first.
But then it goes away, as I greet the guests at the front door. A warmness fills the room, putting all imperfections and awkwardness aside.
We hug and greet and takes purses and coats to the back room.
We invite everyone in and offer them a drink.
The best is yet to come. A night of relaxation, good food, a feeling of love.
Just being together.
We saddle up and take the ride together.
Do you feel calm when you entertain? Or do you still get the initial feeling of fear that comes over you?
Here’s a beautiful recipe that my Dad’s beautiful wife Ginny makes that you prepare in advance, and it serves a crowd! It’s perfect for spring and summertime entertaining, and the presentation is fantastic! Serve with Storyville Coffee and your guests will LOVE you!
Fruit Pizza Recipe Here.
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