“Review your favorite book” Writing Contest — $300 in prizes
Oregon Women’s Report wants you to think about your favorite you read in the past two years. Share your thoughts & you could win $300 in prizes.
First pick your own prize category based on the book you wish to review:
$50.00 Romance
$50.00 Mystery/thriller
$50.00 Self-help/cooking/health/fitness/Family
$50.00 Religious
$50.00 Biography/Memoirs/Historical (non-fiction)
$50.00 Wildcard category
Word Count: Short & simple 250-400 words.
Deadline: October 24th 2013, 5:00pm (deadline extended)
Requirements: Author must live in Oregon or Washington. You may submit as many book reviews as you wish but only one prize category selected per book. Minors must get parental approval before sending submission/application.
Why you could win: This is not a distant and impersonal national contest with 10,000 submissions to compete against, but rather a local contest with 30-50 submissions on average. Our six prize categories improves your chances of winning. Our goal is to reward local women writers. That’s why we have awarded over $1,000 in prizes to local Oregon women in our contests.
Free promotion: For authors & bloggers we will gladly link and promote your website and your books when we feature your review. Even non-winning review submissions will have a chance to be featured on our website.
Submit Articles: You can submit article either (1) inside an email or (2) attach as either Word, TXT or Rich Text Format. Email to [email protected] with subject line “Book Review Writing Contest”.
Please fill & email the application below.
1. Prize Category You are entering.
2. Name:
3. Mailing Address:
4. City:
5. State:
6. Zip Code:
7. Contact phone number:
8. Are you an author? (if yes, please provide a web link):
9. Do you have a blog? (If yes, please provide link):
10. How did you discover the contest?
11. Are you a member of any local writing group? (if yes, let us know)
Note: OWR reserves the right to make changes to contest as deemed necessary.
Disclaimer: Articles featured on Oregon Report are the creation, responsibility and opinion of the authoring individual or organization which is featured at the top of every article.