Amee Foster
Certified Family Life Educator, Oregon
This Great Adventure Blog
It’s Monday. Know how I know? I know because I found B’s gym clothes on the laundry room floor this morning, after he left for school. I know because I realized J didn’t have lunch money, after he was on the bus. I know because while getting T and C out of the car at the elementary school, we realized C’s backpack was still at home, even though I was sure I had picked it up myself. Ugh. It’s Monday.
Why does Monday get such a bad rap? Is it because we would rather sleep in like the weekend? Is it because various items such as backpacks, jackets, and half of each pair of shoes has gone missing since Friday? Maybe it’s because we have to deal with a job or people we would rather avoid. Maybe it’s because it’s the furthest from the next weekend.
I must confess, I rather like Monday’s. After a crazy weekend with the kids, I have the house to myself. I run around like a tornado getting it in order (and getting my exercise), then I have a quiet afternoon. It’s delicious. When I was teaching, Mondays were fresh and new. It was a blank canvas on which I painted my week. Usually things are so orderly, goals set, lists made, and I’m off! Friday’s are the days which are disappointing. Not all the goals are met, I have lost steam, and the boys will be home all weekend…how will I get the rest of my list checked off?
And then I pass by the chalkboard near the front door. There is a verse I wrote to encourage my husband on his way out the door in the morning.
“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)
This day. Monday. He made it.
And the other Mondays. And Fridays. And all the other days too.
And we WILL rejoice. Not I SHOULD rejoice. Or I FEEL like rejoicing. I WILL. As in I choose. I choose to take the focus off of me and how I am royally messing this day up. I choose to make the focus on Him and what He made.
Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say rejoice. Philippians 4:4
Rejoice always. 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Now I feel like dancing a jig on my front lawn. On my way to drop off the gym clothes, the lunch money, and the backpack. And when I’m at the schools, I will make sure I say “Happy Monday, People!” And I will mean it.
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