Marital woes gone awry in new thriller

gonegirlBy Chrstina Rainey,
Portland writer
Reviewing “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn gone

It is the morning of Amy and Nick Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary and Amy abruptly goes missing.  “Gone Girl”, written by Gillian Flynn, creates a story of a missing woman with delightful and tangible detail that draws you into their seemingly common marital woes: money, family, parenthood and turns them into an irresistible thriller.

The story of Gone Girl, a thriller like none other, takes those marital woes a step too far and turns them in sort of psychological warfare between Nick and Amy.  Nick and Amy Dunne appear to be a normal couple on the outside, though as the book develops, it reveals a relationship that is anything but ordinary.  And when her disappearance continues for days and weeks, Nick becomes the prime suspect and their relationship crumbles to the brink.  Nick, who has odd behavior and hasn’t been honest with the police, becomes the prime suspect. He maintains his innocence even while more evidence appears against him.  Where is Amy?  Is Nick the killer?

Each chapter of the book switches between Amy and Nick as storytellers of their take of the events.  Nick’s chapters begin from the day she goes missing as he follows the clues of their anniversary treasure hunt prepared by his wife before her disappearance. In contrast, Amy’s chapters start from when she met Nick and her character is revealed through her diary entries.  The book draws to end as the chapters meet in present day.  The book leads you through a series of plot twists and cliff hangers and when you think you have it figured out, Flynn lands another surprise that keeps you so eager to discover the next one.  Gone Girl is truly an irresistible thriller.

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